Surface: The Noise She Couldn`t Make Collector`s Edition
- Earn achievements as you solve the mystery
- Collect aura flowers and spend them in the store
- Watch scenes from the game
- Download wallpapers and soundtracks
- OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
- CPU : 2.5 GHz
- Memory : 1024
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 994
Review for game: Surface: The Noise She Couldn`t Make Collector`s Edition
On a lonely stretch of highway, a young girl is found unconscious, a bloody knife lying next to her. Was she a victim, or did she attack someone? Her doctors are baffled when she fails to respond to treatment. Desperate, they call you in to help. As a psychic, you’re used to working with clients who can talk to you. But this girl can’t. Enter her mind and work to discover...the noise she couldn’t make... This special Collector's Edition version of the game includes moving bonus content that delves into the girl’s childhood story. Features:
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
1404 points
(views: 158)

Ages: 3 YEARS & UPGame Description:
When a young woman is found comatose by the side of the road with a bloody knife beside her, it’s up to you to unravel her story!
AFERON - BigFishGames
I am honored to be the 1st to rate this game. I loved everything about the game. The storyline is a mystery a woman is found on the side of the road unconscious and there is a bloody knife next to her but has no wounds on her. Is she a victim or a villain? The player is a psychic who must find out her name and what happened to her as she lays in a hospital bed. The graphics are live actors and their voices draw you deeper into the story. The store is where you buy furniture for your office by finding a certain item. The mini puzzles are fun. There are rewards for accomplishing certain tasks. There is a map that is interactive and gives you clues where to go and what tasks need done. There is a outline of the woman's body that shows the symptoms she is exhibiting. This game is new and exciting. The hidden object screens are well done but the best part is the adventure this means there is not one hidden object screen after another. I hate that in a game. We have freedom to roam around and explore. Everything about this game proves it will most likely win some kind of award because in my opinion it is better than Dire, or mystery of 13 skulls. I hope everyone will try this game because if I could I would give it 10 stars.
Surface became my favorite game of all time within 5 minutes, but I couldn't rate it above 5 stars. And I wish I had bought the CE instead of the SE. This game is definitely worth 5 stars. The actors are real; the scenery gorgeous and very detailed; the storyline well developed; the narration fantastic; the colors out of this world; the detail so clear. Interactive map. Music suspenseful in the appropriate places. Good hint system. And you get to collect flowers and buy things for your office, which holds a shelf of achievements throughout the game. A must buy. The extra hour of CE is worth the price.
You are a psychic who will try to communicate and understand "the noise", reading the mind of a girl found unconscious near a bloody knife... Great and interesting story, with a splendid narrator's VO, and perfect cutscenes with real people. The game is very well developed, rich in detail. The ambiance is nice, the sound is very appropriate, immersive atmosphere. In all places has a lot to find and much to do. The objects you find are used nearby and you do not have to keep going back and forth. Hint is very helpful, explains your next step. HOS with good visibility, not too difficult, no need to use hint or stick your eyes on the computer to find the objects. Brand new excellent mini games, very amusement, like the "boat and apples". Do not forget to collect the blue flowers. With them you can shop for decorating your office!!! It has a map, with indications of where you are, the places you've been and where it has something to do. It also contains what must be healed, on the girl! CE contains: Four chapters plus the bonus chapter SG Locations of flowers Bonus mini games Achievements Highly recommended!!
Played 30 minutes, casual - Elephant Games - 4 chapters + bonus play (chapters are long, checked the SG) - 3 play modes, casual, advanced, hardcore - As in the first one you collect flowers, they give you access to a shop where you can buy furniture for your office (on the main menu) - You get rewards for using not hints in a H0 or not skipping a mini game - Achievements can be seen on the main menu - Integrated SG - Map - H0, clear, you don't interact - Interesting, new mini games (only played one) - Hint and skip button, fill fast casual. Hint useful outside H0 - Very good "life" sound and voice-overs - Beautiful, gorgeous graphics Interesting story, you travel in the girl's memory and back in RL through an hospital TV. Very good game :thumbup: , a buy.
I absolutely loved this game even more than the original!!! Good Parts: Excellent graphics. Very realistic, 3-D excellent designs. Amazing storyline. One of the best I've ever seen The game has that feel about it that just hooks you. I couldn't stop playing it. Even the puzzles were fun! The Hidden Object Scenes. I loved the challenge they presented. Achievements made the game even more fun. Built in strategy guide Could always tell where to go next. OK Parts: Would've liked a few more Hidden Object Scenes. Bad Parts: The only downer to this gameis that the hint and skip took way too long to recharge. Absolutely loved this game. My new favourite!!!
Another "Surface" game by Elephant is now among my favorites to play! Graphics are clear and easy on the eyes. Sound is fine, I usually play with sound down low. Easy to navigate within the game, there is quite a bit of back and forth to use objects that are needed elsewhere, but there is a map for quick transport to and fro. You collect these blue flower clusters in each new scene and can use them to purchase items to decorate a room, though I am not sure that is something I will do. I prefer to have a long, challenging and fun game play with the added bonus game that comes with this CE. After playing about 30 minutes of the trial, I stopped in order to purchase so I could then have uninterrupted game play. I have only played for a little more than an hour, but it looks like I should still have many more hours of fun. I think it is well worth the CE price, being an Elephant game was a huge part of my decision to buy also.
This is one of my all time biggy favorite games, not only for the original storyline, the stunning and unique graphics and music, but also the the intuitive and non-intrusive game structure. There are 3 modes of play. This review is based on the 2nd (advanced?) mode. In this mode there are no sparkles and no bombardment of unasked for hints so I was allowed to play the game at my own pace, figuring things out for myself. Very Nice. The game structure- Cut-Scenes/VO: Outstanding. Realistic, well paced, added intensity to game play. MAP: The map was heavily used throughout game play as it allowed the player to jump to available locations within each chapter. It showed which locations still required action, which were "complete", and those that were locked. - This convenience is one I wish came with all games. Journal: There is a detailed journal that signals when there is new information but I rarely if ever actually used it as it didn't contain codes or other information needed for game play. HOS: Even without sparkles, it was very clear in each scene where the HOS were. The graphics were well done, with HOS sort of junk pile style but not cluttered. Mini-Games: For a great change of pace some of the mini-games were original and they varied in level of difficulty with a couple offering some challenge. Flower-Auras: Each scene contains cyan colored flowers that are collected for "shopping" to furnish the psychic's office and viewing current award status, such as # of min-games solved without skips or # of HOS completed without hints, etc. I don't know what to think about this - it made more sense in the bonus play. Storyline- As a psychic the gamer gets into the mind of a girl found on the roadside unconscious, uninjured, and holding a bloody knife. The game chapters are divided by symptom that Jane Doe exhibits at various points in game play once she reaches the hospital. As each symptom surfaces, such as paralysis, the ps
Once again we have a winner that will definitely rank number one game this month. The story is intriguing, as a phychic, you enter the world of a young Jane Doe who has a secret that you need to uncover. Visually the game deserves five stars. Live actors are used with very good voice overs that are in synch. Annimations are life-like and graphics are sharp and clear. I loved the art work which boarders on fantastical and spooky. Game features include many options from wide screen to custome cursor. There are three game modes to play. This is a very well designed HOPA with much to do. You have a map that outlines your progress with icons and transports you to locations. There are bonus objects to collect, flowers and achievments. The only slight dissapointment was the fact that sparkles were used to point out the flowers which takes away the challenge of looking for them. Also as a special bonus, you use the flowers you collect to buy things in a shop and decorate your "Office". There are HO scenes that are easy but not interactive. Mini-games differed, a couple were quite challenging. All in all, this game exceeds the first installment and as that also was one of my favorites, I am happy to say that this will rank high on my list as best game for 2012. Kudos to developers and thank you BFG.
An exceptional game from elephant, a worthy successor to the first in the series (surface: mystery of another world). I'd say game of the year but they would be competing with their first surface game! Here it?s a psychic who goes into a girl?s mind to try and save her, and the ending I loved. This gives the opportunity to create fantasy places for gameplay and it was so fun and beautiful. There weren?t many HOS (my kind of game!) and it?s mostly adventure with some pure gems of puzzles, a lot original. They brought back the live actors and the problem of lip synch has been solved. The main thing I love about surface series is that every chapter is a brand new environment, new transporter maps and you don?t go back into old areas (apart from throne room & outside of it but it has been changed). With live actors being integrated really well into a scene, along with other type cutscenes, propel the story along there is no diary but if needed you can refresh your memory and replay cutscenes. The music in one part with the musicians was just so beautiful (but I don?t think that is one of the music that you can save.) You can swap between 3 levels of hardness during play, so no need to worry if you choose hardcore. The main story is 100% tied up in main game. HIDDEN OBJECT SCENES- All were non active, list type, mostly junk pile but no tiny items, no random click penalty, non repeating, very clear. PUZZLES - A lot original, and I'd say nearly all were between medium and hard for a HOPA! (yeah) Quite a few took me a while. Even the non original ones like the jigsaw - the graphics on that were stunning! I LOVED the puzzles in this game. (The 4/5 for hardenss rating is for adventure side combined as adventure wasn't hard.) But everything together was the perfect hardness for me, for a relaxing game. Amount of HOS and puzzles (main game) HOS ? 12 Puzzles ? 14 (including repeating of magnet puzzle twice) Breakdown of it - Chapter
I gave this game 5 stars because it deserves it. The developers of this magical game put a lot of thought into it, as well as included so many different ways to make it interesting. The graphics are terrific, and enchanting. Because the story takes place in the girls imagination, we have room for so many surprising and delightful ways to go from scene to scene. In one instance a house transforms into a lovely doll house that is larger than life, yet needs puzzles solved inside the house; While I have just played the demo, and will probably buy this one next month, I want to say that bashing a game (ie" giving in only one star) as well though out and cleaver as this one is just plain mean. I want to praise game companies that make if fun to play the games, by giving us great stories, maps, mini games, and unexpected twists. So great job, Keep em comming.