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Game Evil Ducks (Views: 382)
Once upon a time, when no one knew about Angry Beards, the little-known company Rovio Mobile created its first computer development, which was massively implemented in mobile devices. Shooting wingless birds was so popular with users that the game immediately became megapopular and won millions of fans around the world. Today, almost any online project will offer you to play Angry Birds and you will be able to choose the mission and level of difficulty that suits you. In addition to the classic slingshot, you need to help the birds in the development of the bike, participate in races with them, get food and even fly into outer space. The Angry birds game, still popular today, has generated a whole host of clones and copies of such games, among which I would like to highlight a funny arcade - Evil Ducks, in which, like in the first game, two different kinds of animals will come together in a fierce battle. This time, the main characters of the new “war” will be, as you already understood, the ducks living on the farm and their opponents who select pigs for food. In addition, the pigs decided to arrange a separate dwelling on the farm and for this they used boards from duck nests, which could not but anger the feathered inhabitants of the farm. Pig houses were built from stolen boards, not as strong as a stone farm, and far from warm. Now the pigs will have to pay, since we will not allow to build houses from stolen building materials.